Development Launch!
"..the most powerful college search alive!!"
Our Partners:   Become a partner!
elefoo Partners!
Dear Partner,

Elefoo would like to thank you for your interest in becoming our partner. The value of such a relationship is rewarding both for its altruism and pragmatism. We regard our partners with great value and dedication, and hope this feeling is reciprocal. The attention we give to this relationship only reinforces the commitment to our mission and values, and through association reinforces your commitment as well.

As our partner, we identify your involvement and likeness to our vision of encouraging the pursuit of knowledge. Our shared beliefs help drive our collaboration, and our collaboration helps encourage this pursuit. We at elefoo aim to create, build, and maintain this vision in a positive and extremely creative environment. We hope you can share this vision as well, for the betterment of knowledge.

Thank you again for your interest with elefoo.


The foo team


To become a partner, we ask you to reciprocate exposure and embody similar values. Please complete the following fields and a foo representative will contact you to discuss the possibility of a partnership.

Website* Contact Name* Contact Email*
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